- Is shipping from Shanghai going back to normal? The answer is…maybe. With the COVID-19 lockdowns easing, shipping is starting to pick back up. The issues that shippers in Shanghai face are catching up on orders all at once while simultaneously receiving a plethora of new orders. Shipping in Shanghai is not what it was pre-lockdown. An uptick in the cost of living and fuel have left shippers no choice but to raise costs.
Source: Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide. Read the full article here.
- The global supply chain isn’t necessarily getting worse according to Maersk CEO Soren Skou. Skou makes a good point that there hasn’t been a decline in demand, however there has been a decline in labor which has made it difficult for the unloading process. Ultimately, this issue is causing major delays, causing ships to wait up to 4 weeks just to be unloaded. The lack of labor is putting a strain on the supply chain.
Source: CNN. Read the full article here.
- A cheeseburger with a side of NFT please! The latest trend in fast-food is not new food creations but new digital art. In hopes to garner a younger demographic, Mcdonalds, Papa Johns, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut have released NFTs as a part of their marketing strategy. Chick’nCone is the latest QSR to jump in with their own spin – Chick’nCoins. Chick’nCoins allow the owner an opportunity to receive cash rewards through royalties and franchise fees.
Source: QSR Magazine. Read the full article here.