- Currently, 1.6 billion tons of food is wasted or lost each year. That said, the supply chain is a large culprit of that. Food wastage occurs at every point in the supply chain between production, packaging, and all the way to consumption. According to recent data, below are some statistics on annual food waste worldwide:
- 26% comes from food service and 13% from retail
- 29% of cereals are wasted
- 46% of fruits and vegetables are wasted
- 17% of dairy is wasted
- 21% of meat is wasted
- 35% of fish and seafood are wasted
Source: Thomas Net. Read the full article here.
- McDonald’s U.S. has completed the test of the McPlant and will no longer be offering it on their menu. McPlant was rolled out back in the fall of 2020, and throughout the last two years has been introduced to several markets including Texas, Louisiana, and California. In an effort to appeal to a larger audience, McDonald’s U.S. gave it its best go, but the response has been underwhelming.
Source: QSR Magazine. Read the full article here.
- Between labor shortages, rising wages, distributions within the supply chain, and inflation, restaurants across the country have been feeling all types of pressure. Regardless of when (or if) the next recession happens, it’s important for restaurants to be prepared for the unexpected. Below are some tips to consider:
- Stay away from the “old” way of getting work done (Example: Think restaurant technology and how that can help your business)
- Minimize wasted effort and increase consistency
- Create a more desirable workplace for everyone involved
Source: QSR Web. Read the full article here.